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Creating a Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating System for IMI Based on supOS
Creating a Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating System for IMI Based on supOS
At IMI, the largest maritime yard in the MENA region, the adoption of supOS has significantly boosted safety and operational efficiency, ensuring the well-being of all personnel.
At IMI, the largest maritime yard in the MENA region, the adoption of supOS has significantly boosted safety and operational efficiency, ensuring the well-being of all personnel.
Operational Efficiency
Equipment Utilization
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
Workplace Accidents
Operational Efficiency
Equipment Utilization
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
Workplace Accidents
Previous Challenges Faced by IMI
Previous challenges
faced by IMI...
IMI, the largest shipyard in the MENA region, faces several critical challenges despite its scale and capabilities.
Numerous Obstructions
Numerous Obstructions
Numerous Obstructions
Complex Shipyard Environments
Complex Shipyard Environments
Complex Shipyard Environments
Lack of a Unified Platform
Lack of a Unified Platform
Lack of a Unified Platform
Workplace Accidents
Equipment Utilization
Operational Efficiency
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
3 Domains
3 Domains
Real-Time Asset Tracking
Predictive maintenance of equipment, Theft Prevention, Supply Chain Optimization...
Environment Monitoring
Air Quality Monitoring, Extreme Weather Surveillance, Tidal Monitoring...
Real-Time Asset Tracking
Predictive maintenance of equipment, Theft Prevention, Supply Chain Optimization...
3 Domains
Real Time Personnel
Locating System
Previous challenges
faced by IMI...
supOS integrates 3D digital twin technology, high-precision positioning (using Bluetooth and UWB), sensor data fusion, and AI analytics to create a comprehensive system for IMI.
supOS integrates 3D digital twin technology, high-precision positioning (using Bluetooth and UWB), sensor data fusion, and AI analytics to create a comprehensive system for IMI.
supOS integrates 3D digital twin technology, high-precision positioning (using Bluetooth and UWB), sensor data fusion, and AI analytics to create a comprehensive system for IMI.
This system enables real-time tracking of assets and shipyard personnel, electronic fencing, emergency rescue, risk management, and EHS management.
Meter-Level High-Precision Personnel Tracking including workshops, assembly areas, hazardous operation zones, docks, offices, supporting facilities, dormitories, and public roads.
Feature Highlights
Feature Highlights
Feature Highlights
Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating
A Hybrid Precision Personnel Positioning Solution supports both high-precision and low-precision tracking for indoor and outdoor environments. This system effectively locates personnel across various settings by utilizing Asset Tags, Smart PPE, Beacons, UWB, and Bluetooth.
Combination of High and Low Precision
Applicable to Complex Environments
Multiple Positioning Methods
Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating
A Hybrid Precision Personnel Positioning Solution supports both high-precision and low-precision tracking for indoor and outdoor environments. This system effectively locates personnel across various settings by utilizing Asset Tags, Smart PPE, Beacons, UWB, and Bluetooth.
Combination of High and Low Precision
Applicable to Complex Environments
Multiple Positioning Methods
Unified Namespace
supOS enables centralized data integration and real-time communication across systems, supporting precise personnel and asset tracking within shipyards.
By standardizing data models and consolidating real-time location data, it enhances data visibility and control with features like geofencing, emergency alerts, and risk monitoring, streamlining incident reports, and optimizing resources across the facility.
Centralized Data Integration
Real-Time Synchronization
Geofencing and Emergency Alerts
Unified Namespace
supOS enables centralized data integration and real-time communication across systems, supporting precise personnel and asset tracking within shipyards.
By standardizing data models and consolidating real-time location data, it enhances data visibility and control with features like geofencing, emergency alerts, and risk monitoring, streamlining incident reports, and optimizing resources across the facility.
Centralized Data Integration
Real-Time Synchronization
Geofencing and Emergency Alerts
All in One Paltform
Unified identity authentication, a centralized workbench, and integrated resource management come together to create secure and seamless access to the connected shipyard, ensuring a streamlined, efficient, and protected digital experience across shipyard operations.
Unified Identity Authentication
Centralized Workbench
Unified Resource Management
All in One Paltform
Unified identity authentication, a centralized workbench, and integrated resource management come together to create secure and seamless access to the connected shipyard, ensuring a streamlined, efficient, and protected digital experience across shipyard operations.
Unified Identity Authentication
Centralized Workbench
Unified Resource Management
Digital Twin
The 3D digital twin system integrates real-time employee positioning to monitor personnel movement within the production areas. It provides instant safety alerts and displays potential risk sources, supporting geofencing for hazardous zones and restricted areas with real-time intrusion alarms.
The system also enables trajectory tracking and playback, allowing for detailed monitoring of personnel and vehicle movements, patrol routes, and alarm history. This enhances overall safety and operational control across the facility.
3D Digital Twin Technology
Personnel Safety Alerts
Geofencing for Hazardous Zones
Digital Twin
The 3D digital twin system integrates real-time employee positioning to monitor personnel movement within the production areas. It provides instant safety alerts and displays potential risk sources, supporting geofencing for hazardous zones and restricted areas with real-time intrusion alarms.
The system also enables trajectory tracking and playback, allowing for detailed monitoring of personnel and vehicle movements, patrol routes, and alarm history. This enhances overall safety and operational control across the facility.
3D Digital Twin Technology
Personnel Safety Alerts
Geofencing for Hazardous Zones
Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating
A Hybrid Precision Personnel Positioning Solution supports both high-precision and low-precision tracking for indoor and outdoor environments. This system effectively locates personnel across various settings by utilizing Asset Tags, Smart PPE, Beacons, UWB, and Bluetooth.
Combination of High and Low Precision
Applicable to Complex Environments
Multiple Positioning Methods
Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating
A Hybrid Precision Personnel Positioning Solution supports both high-precision and low-precision tracking for indoor and outdoor environments. This system effectively locates personnel across various settings by utilizing Asset Tags, Smart PPE, Beacons, UWB, and Bluetooth.
Combination of High and Low Precision
Applicable to Complex Environments
Multiple Positioning Methods
Hybrid Precision Personnel Locating
A Hybrid Precision Personnel Positioning Solution supports both high-precision and low-precision tracking for indoor and outdoor environments. This system effectively locates personnel across various settings by utilizing Asset Tags, Smart PPE, Beacons, UWB, and Bluetooth.
Combination of High and Low Precision
Applicable to Complex Environments
Multiple Positioning Methods
Unified Namespace
supOS enables centralized data integration and real-time communication across systems, supporting precise personnel and asset tracking within shipyards.
By standardizing data models and consolidating real-time location data, it enhances data visibility and control with features like geofencing, emergency alerts, and risk monitoring, streamlining incident reports, and optimizing resources across the facility.
Centralized Data Integration
Real-Time Synchronization
Geofencing and Emergency Alerts
Unified Namespace
supOS enables centralized data integration and real-time communication across systems, supporting precise personnel and asset tracking within shipyards.
By standardizing data models and consolidating real-time location data, it enhances data visibility and control with features like geofencing, emergency alerts, and risk monitoring, streamlining incident reports, and optimizing resources across the facility.
Centralized Data Integration
Real-Time Synchronization
Geofencing and Emergency Alerts
Digital Twin
The 3D digital twin system integrates real-time employee positioning to monitor personnel movement within the production areas. It provides instant safety alerts and displays potential risk sources, supporting geofencing for hazardous zones and restricted areas with real-time intrusion alarms.
The system also enables trajectory tracking and playback, allowing for detailed monitoring of personnel and vehicle movements, patrol routes, and alarm history. This enhances overall safety and operational control across the facility.
3D Digital Twin Technology
Personnel Safety Alerts
Geofencing for Hazardous Zones
Digital Twin
The 3D digital twin system integrates real-time employee positioning to monitor personnel movement within the production areas. It provides instant safety alerts and displays potential risk sources, supporting geofencing for hazardous zones and restricted areas with real-time intrusion alarms.
The system also enables trajectory tracking and playback, allowing for detailed monitoring of personnel and vehicle movements, patrol routes, and alarm history. This enhances overall safety and operational control across the facility.
3D Digital Twin Technology
Personnel Safety Alerts
Geofencing for Hazardous Zones
All in One Paltform
Unified identity authentication, a centralized workbench, and integrated resource management come together to create secure and seamless access to the connected shipyard, ensuring a streamlined, efficient, and protected digital experience across shipyard operations.
Unified Identity Authentication
Centralized Workbench
Unified Resource Management
All in One Paltform
Unified identity authentication, a centralized workbench, and integrated resource management come together to create secure and seamless access to the connected shipyard, ensuring a streamlined, efficient, and protected digital experience across shipyard operations.
Unified Identity Authentication
Centralized Workbench
Unified Resource Management
Workplace Accidents
Equipment Utilization
Operational Efficiency
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
Workplace Accidents
Equipment Utilization
Operational Efficiency
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
Workplace Accidents
Equipment Utilization
Operational Efficiency
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
Workplace Accidents
Equipment Utilization
Operational Efficiency
Employee Safety & Welfare Satisfaction
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Transform Your Digital Journey with supOS
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Transform Your Digital Journey with supOS
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Singapore· Hangzhou China